Publicaciones científicas y casos clínicos
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BodyTom Case Review
Accuracy of deep brain stimulation electrode placement using intraoperative computed tomography without microelectrode recording
We have described a new method of DBS electrode placement using intraoperative CT, without MER, and under general anesthesia. Initial results indicate the procedure is safe, with accuracy comparable to methods using MER under local anesthesia.

Portable CT Imaging of Acute Stroke Patients in the Emergency Departament
The Implementation of Near-Infrared Technology to Decrease PICC Line
The use of a near-infrared light vein-viewing device for vascular access in critically ill children can decrease the total medical time and cost.

The Implementation of Near-Infrared Technology to Decrease PICC Line
The implementation of near -infrared technology has contributed to:
• Improvement in the healthcare delivery process at our institution
• Increased success in obtaining peripheral IV access on our patients which has decreased PICC line placements.
• Increased patient satisfaction, cost savings, and vein preservation.