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Portable head CT scan and its effect on intracranial pressure, cerebral perfusion pressure, and brain oxygen

Follow-up head CT scans are useful in the care of patients with severe brain injuries. Similarly, prevention and management of secondary cerebral insults is fundamental to TBI and SAH management. Repeat imaging usually requires transport of patients from the ICU to the radiology department.


Portable CT Imaging of the Head is Safer and Comparable to Conventional CT Imaging in a Patient on Veno-Venous ECMO

Portable Head CT: Safer with diminished risk to unstable patients; Equal quality compared to conventional imaging; May have important uses in certain patients too unstable for transport for conventional imaging.


Head Computed Tomography Scanning During Pediatric Neurocritical Care: Diagnostic Yield and the Utility of Portable Studies

Safety and efficacy of the remote magnetic navigation for ablation of ventricular tachycardias—a systematic review

The available data on RMN suggests that it is an effective and safe method for ablation of VT with relatively low recurrence and complication rates. RMN has been used to achieve successful outcomes in various patient populations and VT subtypes. SNH VT appears to have the best outcome using RMN in comparison to ICMP and NICMP VT.


Novel robotic catheter manipulation system integrated with remote magnetic navigation for remote ablation of atrial tachyarrhythmias

The results of this study demonstrate that remote manipulation of a circular mapping catheter in the ablation of atrial arrhythmias is feasible and safe. Prospective randomized studies are needed to prove efficiency improvements over manual techniques.


Improving Affordability Through Innovation in the Surgical Treatment of Mitral Valve Disease

Following the introduction of systems innovation, the total hospital cost associated with robotic mitral valve repair has become similar to that for a conventional open approach, while facilitating quicker patient recovery and diminished utilization of in-hospital resources.


Robotic Mitral Valve Repair

All 4 studies showed positive outcomes including decreased need for postoperative mechanical ventilation, intensive care unit length of stay, and hospital length of stay. The studies also showed that postrepair mitral regurgitation was equivalent to that of traditional open repairs at multiple different periods after surgery.


Breast Cancer and Intra-operative Radiotherapy with Electrons at the European Institute of Oncology

Full Dose Intraoperative Radiotherapy With Electrons (ELIOT) During Breast Conserving Surgery – Experience with 1246 Cases

ELIOT is a safe method for treating conservatively operated breasts, avoids the long period of postoperative radiotherapy, greatly improving the quality of life and reduces the cost of Radiotherapy. ELIOT markedly reduces the radiation to normal surrounding tissues and deep organs. Results on short and medium term toxicity are good. Data on local control are encouraging.
