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Excellent Local Control and Survival After Intraoperative and External Beam Radiotherapy for Pediatric Solid Tumors
Clinical Significance of Intensive Surgery With Intraoperative Radiation for Advanced Neuroblastoma
The intensive surgery with IORT dramatically increased the local eradication and improved the outcome even in advanced neuroblastoma with N-myc amplification. However, long-term survival was not obtained in patients with unresectable residual disease.
DescargarCombination of external-beam radiotherapy with Intraoperative electron-beam therapy
Regarding the low incidence of local failure, IOERT seems to be able to compensate incomplete tumor resection in childhood sarcoma and neuroblastoma patients. The incidence of late morbidity is low enough to justify the employment of IOERT as part of the radiation treatment regimen for pediatric patients.
La radioterapia intraoperatoria (IORT) nel cancro del pancreas
La IORT continua a rientrare in studi di trattamento multimodale del cancro del pancreas, nell nell’attesa che nuovi farmaci e nuovi attesa protocolli migliorino il controllo sia locale che a distanza di questa malattia.
Intraoperative radiotherapy for unresectable pancreatic cancer
IORT + EBRT yields a relatively favorable LC rate for unresectable pancreatic cancer with low frequency of severe late toxicity, and IORT combined with chemotherapy conferred a survival benefit compared with IORT without chemotherapy.