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Head Computed Tomography Scanning During Pediatric Neurocritical Care

Two-thirds of CT scans obtained in the PICU were portable because of patients’ intensity of therapy and illness severity. Portable CT showed major new pathology in greater than 1/3 and led to a change in management in 1/4 of higher acuity patients scanned. The estimated radiation dose from portable CT is within the current national guidelines.


Mobile Computed Tomography: Early Experience in Korea

Our initial experience shows promising results that mCT with various high-quality images offers a very reasonable technology in various clinical situations such as intraoperative imaging and ICU care.


Alterations in Surgical Plan Based on Intraoperative Portable Head Computed Tomography Imaging

Intraoperative portable-head CT leads to change in operative plans in 32% of selected cases. This potentially avoids return to the operating room and can diagnose or rule out remote lesions in need of additional intervention. The portable configuration allows for increased versatility and cost-effectiveness compared to fixed systems.


Vein Imaging: A New Method of Near Infrared Imaging, Where a Processed Image Is Projected onto the Skin for the Enhancement of Vein Treatment

The device could identify veins that were invisible to the naked eye and too shallow for ultrasound detection. The V-V-P may help find feeder veins and may also help various types of vein treatments.


The use of the vein-viewer® for botulinum toxin injection in facial wrinkles – case report

…The V-V has significant value in improving the quality of botulinum toxin injection, and its use in plastic surgery appears promising.


Making the Invisible Visible: Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Phlebotomy in Children

Near-infrared technology facilitated venipuncture and venous cannulation in a pediatric cohort. Further, controlled trials are required including children of specific age groups and those from ethnic minorities.


VeinViewer-assisted Intravenous Catheter Placement in a Pediatric Emergency Department

While no results were significant for the overall study group, subgroup analysis of children age 0 to 2 years suggests that the VeinViewer may decrease the time to PIV placement.


Using the VeinViewer Vision To Increase the Identification of Peripheral Intravenous Access Targets in Pediatric Patients

Future studies will focus on younger children and adults and children with high BMI’s and/or chronic disease.


VeinViewer Case Study: Lifeblood Biological Services

• Use of VeinViewer demonstrated an enhancement in the ability to success fully access veins in previously unsuccessful DVA patients.
• VeinViewer could potentially increase the efficacy of healthcare workers, increase patient satisfaction, and increase the number of blood donors.
